Estrella Galicia will hold the II Galician Draught Beer Pulling Championship at the Fórum Gastronómico


beer master

On Monday 16 March the second edition of the Estrella Galicia Galician Draught Beer Pulling Championship will be held. The competition will be one of the highlights of the Fórum Gastronómico Coruña’15, which will be held at Expocoruña from 15 to 17 March.

The objective of the championship is to promote the brewery culture and acknowledge the work carried out by Galician bartenders as an essential link in the distribution chain of Estrella Galicia products. The beer brand has decided to test the skills and the standard of service of Galician catering professionals with the aim of rewarding the bartenders’ talent and effort when serving the product in the best possible way for the consumer to enjoy it.

The grand final will begin in A Coruña on Monday 16 March at 10.30am at the Estrella Galicia stand, with 30 professionals selected from all those who enter the selection process via the brand’s webpage. The champion and the runner-up will represent Galicia in the Spanish competition to be held in April at the Salón Gourmets de Madrid.

On 9 March in Vigo the eliminatory round will take place during which participants from the two southern provinces of the region will compete to take part in the Galician final at the Fórum.

The jury is made up of beer pulling, catering and gastronomy experts, who will be in charge of evaluating quality, efficacy and speed of service as well as the participants’ knowledge about the characteristics of Estrella Galicia products.

The Estrella Galicia Draught Beer Pulling Championship is one of the activities that creates the most expectation within the Fórum Gastronómico of A Coruña, of which the Galician beer brand is the main sponsor.

The registration dates will be announced shortly. Aspirants should register via the Estrella Galicia web page and an admissions panel will carry out a selection process of participants.

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