Estrella Galicia will fill the terraces of A Coruña with music this spring

Cartel Km.C


Km.C, Estrella Galicia’s cultural platform, announces 27 new musical events in the city of A Coruña featuring names such as Astrogirl, True Mountains, Los Mecánicos and Silvia Penide. Through this program we seek to boost the cultural activity of the city with the programming of multiple activities of a musical, sports or gastronomy nature.

With this proposal, we reaffirm once again the close link with our origin, A Coruña, and we show our support to caterers and consumers in the area.

Cartel Km.C

The cultural platform Km.C promoted by Estrella Galicia returns to the stage presenting an ambitious musical programme to bring the terraces of A Coruña to life throughout this spring.  Today we announce a calendar of 27 new musical events in the city of A Coruña featuring names such as Astrogirl, True Mountains, Los Mecánicos and Silvia Penide, among many others.

Centre city squares like Josep Sellier, Campo da Leña and Azcárraga will be the scene of this series of concerts that will liven up the weekends of the city from this next April 30 to Sunday, July 3, with summer already started. These locations will give way to other areas within the metropolitan area for the next dates.

Km.C is a cultural platform promoted by Estrella Galicia through which it programmes a multitude of leisure experiences around music, sport or gastronomy, with the aim of revitalizing the cultural activity of the city of A Coruña and its metropolitan area. With this proposal, we reaffirm once again the close link with our origin, A Coruña, and show our support to caterers and consumers in the area.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

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