Estrella Galicia presents its Expo Dubai 2020 special edition

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Estrella Galicia 0,0 Tostada Expo Dubái 2020

We celebrate our presence in the Spanish Pavilion of the Universal Exhibition Expo Dubai 2020 with the launch of a special edition of 66 cl. of one of our most differentiating beers: Estrella Galicia 0,0 Tostada.

A packaging is destined to gain notoriety and impact both within the framework of Expo Dubai 2020 and in the area of the United Arab Emirates, where it will be available to consumers.

Estrella Galicia 0,0 Tostada Expo Dubái 2020

Estrella Galicia presents a new special edition of its bottles that pays tribute to Expo Dubai 2020, the universal exhibition that takes place from October 1 to the end of March in this Middle Eastern country.

Visitors to the Spanish Pavilion throughout the six months that Expo Dubai 2020 will be open can purchase some of the brand’s non-alcoholic beers, such as Estrella Galicia 0,0, Estrella Galicia 0,0 Negra  and Estrella Galicia 0,0 Tostada in the official store launched by the Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands.

For this reason, Estrella Galicia has decided to celebrate its presence in the Spanish Pavilion at Expo Dubai 2020 with the launch of a special edition of 66 cl. of one of its most differentiating beers: Estrella Galicia 0,0 Tostada. The packaging reflects some of the most representative elements of the pavilion, linked to values of sustainability and positive impact, in addition to showcasing the Spain brand.

The aim of this launch is to gain notoriety and impact both within the framework of Expo Dubai 2020 and in the Area of the United Arab Emirates, where it will be available to local consumers. The presence of Estrella Galicia in this universal exhibition is presented as key in the internationalization plan of Hijos de Rivera as well as to boost the position of the brand in the countries of the Middle East, an area in which our company is already operating.

Expo Dubai 2020

Expo Dubai 2020 opened its doors on October 1, a year later than planned due to the pandemic, but keeping the initial year in its denomination. Over the next 6 months, in increasing progression due to the easing of restrictions, millions of people are expected to visit this space in which countries around the world have created a total of 191 pavilions showing the best of themselves.

In the case of Spain, the pavilion has been developed under the concept “Connect minds, build the future”, with the motto “Intelligence for life”. This space has an area of 5,800 square meters in a square covered by a series of conical volumes and is located in the thematic area corresponding to sustainability, its hallmark, closely linked to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.

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