Estrella Galicia de Brasil at the main food & beverage fair in Latin America: APAS 2015

CompanyInternational Expansion


We have set up a modern stand to present our products at the 31st edition of the APAS (Asociacion Paulista de Supermercados) at which representatives from the biggest supermarket chains in Latin America will meet up.

The Expo Center in Sau Paulo will host this event at which our company, Estrella Galicia de Brasil, will be present with the aim of reinforcing and increasing its distribution, both off-trade and on-trade. To do so, we are presenting the complete range of products, including the latest novelties for this market: Cabreiroá, Magma de Cabreiroá, and 1906 Black Coupage, which will start to be sold this June.


Our stand at the APAS 2015 will aim to communicate the three pillars upon which we are building our positioning: quality, Spanish brewing tradition since 1906, and innovation. In order to do this, we count on elements that will aid our premium strategy with led product tastings, audio-visual material on the ideal way to serve our beer, among other things.

Likewise, one of the main sponsorship pillars of Estrella Galicia 0,0 will also be there, with the presence of the Team Estrella Galicia 0,0 motorbike by Alex Barros, so that the attendees can see it in person and have their photo taken with it.

APAS is recognised as being the most important Food and Beverage Fair in Latin America. Since 1984 it has gathered together the largest distributors in Brazil and Latin America, making it the ideal place to present novelties, to network and discover the latest tendencies in the sector.

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