Estrella Galicia celebrates ten years of NYE Chimes

advertising campaigns

Estrella Galicia took a risky advertising decision in 2012 with the aim of approaching consumers with a different proposal on New Year’s Eve. An initiative that has positioned it for some years as the most remembered brand of the night and has obtained various awards, both for its differentiating vocation, and for the paradigm shift it led, opening the doors to new formulas in the traditional Campanadas (New Year’s Eve Chimes)

This year, viewers of Antena 3, La Sexta, Telecinco, Cuatro and TVG will once again witness their presenters toasting with Estrella Galicia.

Campanadas con Estrella Galicia
Chimes with Estrella Galicia

Estrella Galicia celebrates ten years starring in the toast after the New Year’s Eve chimes on Spanish television. This year, the beer brand will accompany the viewers of Antena 3, La Sexta, Telecinco, Cuatro and TVG in one of the great television moments of the year.

In December 2012 Estrella Galicia announced that it was launching an advertising campaign during the live broadcast of the midnight Chimes with the aim of approaching consumers with a new proposal on New Year’s Eve. It was a groundbreaking initiative, even controversial for some, in the framework of a television event especially attached to traditions.

José Cabanas, Chief Marketing Officer of the company, commented in 2012 that “Estrella Galicia is always willing to look for new formulas and to give a twist to traditions. We intend to break molds, Estrella Galicia is a different beer and even in the most traditional things there is a different way of doing things”.

The success of this initiative was immediate and, as Santiago Miguélez, Marketing Director of Hijos de Rivera in Spain, points out, “after a decade, we have managed to establish new traditions around the moment of the Chimes. Year after year, Estrella Galicia continues to be one of the most remembered brands of New Year’s Eve thanks to an innovative advertising model that opened the door to new formats”.

In addition, this proposal, conceived and developed in collaboration with the agency Ymedia-Wink, won important awards in the sector, such as the Ibero-American El Sol Awards, which recognized its differentiating vocation and the paradigm shift it led.


Ramontxu presented the NYE Chimes  with Estrella Galicia as a live stream

The innovative vocation of the brand continued with new ideas in later years, such as in December 2017 when the popular television presenter Ramón García was in charge of accompanying the grapes (Spanish New Year’s Eve tradition of accompanying each midnight chime by eating a grape) through the beer company’s social networks. It was about exploring new media and approaching new audiences during that great time of the year.

The exploration of differential formulas of approaching the consumer has been a hallmark of the brewery and Estrella Galicia has surprised everyone with original and striking advertising proposals in which some of the best known faces of the small screen have participated. The campaigns of Campanadas de Estrella Galicia have had names ranging from Ana García Obregón, Mayra Gómez Kempt, José María Íñigo, Paula Vázquez, or Manuel Manquiña, to the current Cristina Pedroche, Alberto Chicote, Carlos Sobera or Paz Padilla, among others.


Record audience in 2020

The night of December 31, 2020 marked an all-time record with 22.3 million viewers on TV at midnight, 94% following the Chimes, with an average audience of 21 million viewers.

Antena 3, achieved the most followed broadcast of Campanadas in the history of private television with over 6.1 million viewers in the last minute of the year, and more than 9.1 million viewers welcoming in the new year toasting with Estrella Galicia on their televisions.

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