Elena Ferro’s clogs and the baskets of Idoia Cuesta are the protagonists of this week’s Mercado de la Cosecha

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Mercado de la Cosecha

The Mercado de la Cosecha begins its fourth week of activity in Vigo by turning the space around and preparing it for two traditional hand-craft Galician initiatives that have positioned themselves as examples of avant-garde and modernity from the countryside.

From Monday 8 to Saturday 13 June, the modern clogs created by Elena Ferro, heir to a century old clog-making family, and the baskets of

Idoia Cuesta, Premio Nacional de Artesanía (National Craft Awards winner) and designer of bags for Loewe, will share their story and the philosophy behind their products.

Opening times are Monday to Saturday, 11am to 2pm and 5 to 9pm. In addition to the main initiatives, visitors to the pop-up store this month can find the eggs and marmalades of Pazo de Vilane, the mariñeiras biscuits by Daveiga, Cortes de Muar cheeses, organic yoghurts and cheeses from Casa Grande de Xanceda, Maeloc ciders, earthworm compost from Ecocelta and the plant sponges by Ibérica de Esponjas.

This week, during which Idoia Cuesta and Elena Ferro are the protagonists of the Mercado de la Cosecha Pop-Up Store, the following activities will be carried out:

Friday 12 June

6pm– Creaciones inspiradas en la naturaleza. (Nature-based creations) Idoia Cuesta

7pm– 100 anos de zoqueira (100 years of clog-makers) – Elena Ferro

Saturday 13 June

12, midday– Taller colaborativo de estructuras con mimbre. (Collaborative workshop: wicker structures) Idoia Cuesta

About Idoia Cuesta


Idoia Cuesta arrived in Galicia to carry out research in Marine Biology and, after doing a basket-making course, the experience of creating something with vegetable fibres captivated her. Settled in Lugo, Idoia has over 10 years of experience and research with fabrics. Her creations are traditional but at the same time play with volumes to design new lines and products in areas like decorating and fashion. She introduces a spirit of renewal into crafts, creating baskets with new uses and for new consumers. Hence she was the creator of the Galicia collection of bags by Loewe in the 2013 and 2014 Spring season. This year, her work has been acknowledged by being awarded the Premio Nacional de Artesanía (National Craft Awards).


About Elena Ferro


Elena Ferro is the third generation of a clog-making family that keeps a traditional craft alive, making it a way of life. To do so, they change the traditional use of an item created to meet a basic need, turning it into an item adapted to current fashion trends. They have created a new line of clogs with daring colours and designs, inspired by nature and animals, such as the “fly, ladybird, fly” clogs, that won the Premio Artesanía Contemporánea Antón Fraguas (Anton Fraguas Contemporary Crafts Award).


About the Mercado de la Cosecha pop-up Store

The Mercado de la Cosecha Pop-Up store is an experience supported by Corporación Hijos de Rivera, Gadis and R with the aim of boosting the socioeconomic development of Galicia and the sustainability of rural areas.

This space will be open form 15 May to 31 July, from Monday to Saturday, 11am to 3pm and 5-9pm. For the next two months, the Mercado de la Cosecha will become a space open to the sharing and exchange of ideas, and we will see from the yoghurts of Casa Grande de Xanceda, to plant sponges of Ibérica de Esponjas, jams by Amorodo, Cortes de Muar cheeses, mariñeiras biscuits by Daveiga, Pazo de Vilane free-range eggs, Olei oils, Arqueixal youghurts, clogs by Elena Ferro, chestnuts from Naiciña, Bico de Xeado ice-cream, Abella Lupa honey, earthworm compost by Ecocelta, baskets by Idoia Cuesta, Granxa Maruxa biscuits and the apples used to make Maeloc cider and the grapes used for Ponte da Boga wines.



Location: Calle Policarpo Sanz, 28. Vigo.

Opening times: 11am to 2pm, 5-9pm.

Activities: LIMITED SPACES. BOOKING REQUIRED. Anyone wishing to participate in the activities can reserve at the Store, or by phone on the following number: 886 14 37 74.

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