Depor and Lugo will play a Moncho Rivera Memorial Trophy charity match on 2 September at Riazor stadium


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The Victoria Tournament Moncho Rivera Memorial reaches its 17th edition by taking a huge step forward, be it its charity work or its commitment to grass roots sport. On this occasion, the star match in this traditional tournament will see RC Deportivo play CD Lugo at Riazor stadium on Wednesday 2 September at 8.30pm. Both Victoria C.F. as well as Hijos de Rivera have worked tirelessly in the organisation of this top quality encounter to match the history and deep-rooted tradition that this tournament has in A Coruña.

As on previous occasions, the charity match is held in support of the Cocina Económica of A Coruña, and all money raised will go to them. Tickets can be bought via the Abanca ticket system, and through Deportivo and CD Lugo fan clubs. Two days before the match, tickets will be on sale at Riazor stadium. Tickets are €10 for the general public, €5 for season ticket holders, and free for under-14s.

Like every year, we will hold this championship in honour of Ramón Rivera Riguera, who was part of the third generation of the Rivera family, one of the founders of the Victoria club and promoter of this tournament which is now in its seventeenth year. This match between Depor and Lugo will be the grand finale to a full schedule of matches between the lower categories which, from 29 August to 16 September, will see under-14s, youth, under-16s and women’s teams from Victoria FC play against other Galician rivals.

The Moncho Rivera Memorial will also organise, for the very first time, a workshop aimed at the lower categories, to be held on 19 September, and be led by one of the members of the technical unit of the Spanish National Football Team.

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    Corporación Hijos de Rivera S.L. c/ José María Rivera Corral, nº6. 15008 A GRELA – A CORUÑA

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