Co-cooking reaches Granada, after a total of 15 workshops with over 400 participants

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Taller Co-cooking con Orballo

A total of 20 students from the training college Hurtado de Mendoza took part in our introduction to tea and herbal infusions workshop, led by the organic Galician producer Orballo. This is the second Co-cooking activity to take place outside Galicia, after being in Asturias in June. This year, students from 10 catering colleges have participated in training with professionals, producers and chefs thanks to this collaborative initiative.

Taller Co-cooking con Orballo

Our Co-cooking programme travelled to Granada with the organic Galician producer Orballo for an introduction to a tea and herbal infusions workshop with 20 students from the training college Hurtado de Mendoza, the Catering and Tourism college in Granada.

Second year Dirección de Servicios de Restauración (Catering Services Management course) students took part in a practical workshop about tea and herbal infusions led by the Orballo team who grows and brings the forefront species like chestnut, hazelnut, walnut trees and a variety of aromatic plants with which they make their organic teas and herbal infusions, in As Mariñas (A Coruña).

During the activity, the students learnt how to distinguish the different varieties, their main characteristics, as well as their quality attributes by coming into contact with all types of teas through the senses and history. Likewise, they also learnt about how to grow and prepare them- essential in the catering industry.

Taller Co-cooking con Orballo

The training session was based on the senses and experimentation, as an important part of it consisted of tastings, through which the students could learn by experimenting.

Over 400 participants in 2017

Co-cooking reaches Andalusia after the success achieved in the catering colleges of Galicia, and its visit to Asturias in June.

Co-cooking has, therefore, held a total of 16 workshops with 10 colleges and a total of 430 participants in 2017.

Our company’s collaborative initiative contributes to the training of highly qualified professionals by giving access to catering students and professionals to highly valued training.

Taller Co-cooking con Orballo

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