Cabreiroá receives the Crystal Award for its exceptional flavour and quality

Crystal Award
Cabreiroá was the only Spanish spring to be given the Crystal Award at the Superior Taste Award 2017 by the prestigious International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi).

Crystal Award

The prestigious International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi), with headquarters in Brussels, has awarded Cabreiroá the Crystal Award, an acknowledgement that certifies constant exceptional taste and quality over three consecutive years. Cabreiroá is the only spring in Spain to have been awarded this title at the Superior Taste Award 2017.

Hence, our products from the Cabreiroá spring, Cabreiroá Still Mineral Natural and Magma de Cabreiroá, receive important international backing with this award that highlights the characteristics of our mineral waters, reinforcing the brand’s premium positioning on the market.

The leading organisation dedicated to tastings and promoting quality taste has accredited that our Cabreiroá mineral waters participated in a blind tasting with three different panels of international judges, achieving over 90% each time.

In order to achieve this award, a total of 120 internationally renowned sommeliers carried out a blind tasting, so the product could not be identified, awarding it points based on organoleptic and sensory qualities such as first impression, taste, smell, and visual impression, texture and aftertaste.

Most of the sommeliers that participate in the tastings are members of the Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) made up of the most prestigious culinary institutions in Europe. Among them are Maïtres Cuisiniers of France and Belgium, The Academy of Culinary Arts, the Federación de Asociaciones de Cocineros, and the Académie Culinaire of France.

These professionals have great experience tasting foods from around the world, working not only in Europe, but also in countries such as Japan, China, Thailand, Australia, and North, Central and South America.

Each taster is chosen for their recognition by guides such as Michelin or Gault Millau, their vast experience in tastings, as well as their ability to give detailed descriptions of the taste characteristics of the products, and suggest possible improvements via sensory analysis.

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