Cabreiroá, official water at the first international Lighthouse congress in Spain



From today, the Tower of Hercules will be the light at the most important international lighthouse congress, International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities  (IALA) which has chosen A Coruña as the first venue for its conference held every four years.

Our water Cabreiroá, which last year paid homage to the Galician lighthouses by issuing a limited edition bottle, will be the official water at this convention to be held from Sunday 25 May to Saturday 31 May, and at which over 500 specialists in marine signaling from all over Europe will participate.

With this project, Cabreiroá’s aim was to give visibility to these representative symbols of the Atlantic coast, the lighthouses, the “guardian angels of the sea which arise on the border between land and water”. A characteristic they share with the  Cabreiroá Spring.

The Cabreiroá Faros (Cabreiroá Lighthouses) collection was made up of four bottles dedicated to the most emblematic lighthouses in Galicia: Tower of Hercules, Estaca de Bares, Finisterre and the Cíes Islands. All can be seen at the congress that begins on Sunday, and at which there will be 60 companies and 25 countries attending to take part in the 90 talks programmed at PALEXCO.

This is the first time in its 57-year history that the IALA holds its conference in Spain. Under the name of  “De la Torre de Hércules hasta las últimas tecnologías” (“From the Tower of Hercules to the latest technology”), the convention will highlight the technological progress which is contributing to maritime transport which is safer and more respectful with the environment.

At the same time as this week of activities, on Monday 26 of May the exhibition “Faros. La luz nunca debería apagarse” (“Lighthouses. The light should never go out”) will be inaugurated. An exhibition that pays homage to our most emblematic lighthouse which celebrates its fifth year as World Heritage Site this year.

You can still buy the limited edition Lighthouse bottles on

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