Cabreiroá launches its new 75cl Sport format

Product LaunchesProducts

Nuestra agua mineral gallega lanza un nuevo formato de 75cl especialmente indicado para la práctica deportiva.

We introduce a new 75cl format of Cabreiroá with physical activity and hydration on-the-go in mind. Its particular shape that makes gripping easier, and the special sport-cap mean it is especially convenient when doing sport. This launch will reach the market in the next few days on all channels, off-trade and on-trade, as well as the impulse channel.

Our premium Galician mineral water brand hence completes its offer of products and formats after its recent change of image which has been positively received by consumers, and has meant an important step forward in the consolidation of Cabreiroá as a water operator in Spain.

With this launch, Cabreiroá reaffirms its link to sport thanks to the balanced mineralisation of its water which has turned it into a reference in the field of hydration. In this sense, sponsorships like that of the Spanish National Football Team or of the main Galician clubs strengthen its image as that of a source of vitality and health associated with sport.

The history of Cabreiroá

The Cabreiroá spring was discovered in the 19th century. It is located in the area of Cabreiroá, in Verin (Ourense), within a privileged natural environment of over 250,000 m2 with a protected perimeter, and over 2,000 different trees.

The Cabreiroá water was declared Medicinal Mineral water and of public utility in 1906 and, since then, the company has bottled and sold this mineral water. Cabreiroá was certified, in situ, by Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Nobel Prize in Medicine,  who declared it medicinal-mineral and became a regular visitor to the spring.

Cabreiroá is one of the great references in quality and innovation, becoming pioneers in giving added value via designs and packaging such as glass, PET and aluminium. It also has a sparkling water brand, Magma de Cabreiroánaturally carbonated and with added gas.

In recent years we have made important investments in order to modernise and promote the bottling plant as well as to protect the perimeter of the spring and preserve the natural resources as much as possible.

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