Cabreiroá ejecutó el pasado año una inversión de más de 1,7 millones de euros en sus instalaciones de Verín en el marco de un ambicioso plan de modernización trianual que prevé otros 5 millones de euros en los próximos dos años.

During the last quarter, our Cabreiroá spring maintained the growth tendency of recent years, reaching a production level of 90 million bottled litres – an increase of 11.5%.
These results are obtained in a year in which Cabreiroá has carried out an investment in its facilities in Verin (Ourense) of over 1.7 million euros within the frame of an ambitious modernisation plan in which 4.5 million euros have been invested in the last three years, and another 5 million will be invested in the next two years. An important expansion of its production and storage capacity is taken place which will allow to cope with the immediate future and respond to growing market demand. All this in in addition to the on-going investment aimed at the required care for the spring and its perimeter in order to maintain the quality of its water.
In order make progress in the areas of sustainability and respect for the environment, Cabreiroá has just launched a 1 litre, 50% recycled PET bottle, as part of a plan through which recycled PET will be progressively introduced into all the company’s water packaging that currently already contain 25%. In addition to this, the labels on the bottles will turn into visual supports to transmit awareness- raising messages to the consumer.
Over 90 million litres of water bottled.
Cabreiroá closed 2018 with an 11.5% increase in production, which translates into over 90 million litres of mineral water bottled of all the different brands it sells: Cabreiroá sin Gas (still Cabreiroá), Magma de Cabreiroá con Gas Carbónico Añadido (Magma de Cabreiroá with added carbonic gas) and Magma de Cabreiroá con Gas Carbónico Original (Magma de Cabreiroá with original carbonic gas).
In terms of turnover, Cabreiroá closed last year with 28.9 million euros – 11.5% more than the previous year.
All this allows Cabreiroá to continue expanding at its facilities in Verín (Ourense) maintaining a stable workforce of around 50 people.
Second Spanish largest mineral water brand on-trade.
Cabreiroá’s success in the market has taken the brand to become consolidated as the second option on-trade in Spain, both its still version and sparkling.
The company has said “the company’s commitment to the mineral water business in recent years has materialized both in important investment to improve the facilities as well as changes in packaging or increasing the range of formats that allow us to be more flexible when it comes to responding to market demand.”
Significant synergies have also been created with other springs in our business group such as Agua de Cuevas(in Felechosa, Asturias) and Fontarel(in Loja, Granada).
Spanish National Football team
Among the brand’s most successful proposals in recent years has been its link to football via the main Galician football teams or the Spanish national team as official mineral water. These alliances have accompanied the rise of Cabreiroá in the mineral water market in Spain, and has strengthened its visibility at important events like the recent world cup in Russia. It has also joined important cultural events like the San Sebastian Film Festival.
Cabreiroá has also launched original advertising campaigns such as the recent one with Sophia, the most advanced humanoid robot in the world, with the claim ‘Recarga 100% Natural’ (“100% Natural charge”). In recent years, it has also been linked to children’s’ licences such as Superwings, Minionsand Trollsand has opted for eye-catching designs on its labels like Mundopiruuand the Gorjussdolls, that resulted in the only brand in Spain that won an award at the international Global Bottled Awards.