Álex Márquez: «I was especially excited to see my contribution to MEGA and to be part of the family»

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Álex Márquez visita MEGA 6

The double world champion Álex Márquez today visited our Estrella Galicia Museum in A Coruña, the first and only one in Spain dedicated to Beer Culture.

After finishing the MotoGP season, Álex Márquez has finally had time to make a complete and relaxed visit to MEGA, the Estrella Galicia Museum located in A Coruña.

After winning the Moto3 world titles in 2014 and Moto2 in 2019, Alex was recently finishing his second full season in the MotoGP premier class, going so far as to stroke the podium at the Algarve Grand Prix, where he achieved fourth place.

For the Spanish rider, his visit to MEGA has been a unique experience in the centre of the Estrella Galicia Universe, where the first and only museum dedicated to beer in Spain is located.

Integrated within the working factory, it allows you to enjoy beer with all five senses. It vindicates its culture, tradition and living history, making it a pilgrimage destination for beer lovers looking to live much more than an experience, the #nivelmega.

After his visit to MEGA, Álex expressed his gratitude for the experience: “It has been amazing, I have been surprised by the journey through time, all the rooms, the fact it is really interactive and especially the sports part as a sponsor which I have been very excited to see myself and be part of the family”.

Taking advantage of his visit, he also made some interesting statements about his expectations about the 2022 season: “I think 2022 is exciting. Honda has changed the bike to a totally different concept, I was able to test it in Jerez and I say it’s exciting because from the beginning it was a bike that we didn’t know, but the times were good and we felt quite comfortable. We have won things and we have lost others, we still have to understanding lots and we have a lot of work ahead of us but, as I say, the times are good and that is positive. We hope to be much more consistent and be in the top 8 for 2022.”

Finally, to round off what has been the season of celebration of the tenth anniversary of the support of young talent by Estrella Galicia 0,0  in the MotoGP World Championship, Álex Márquez placed special emphasis on one of the best moments he has experienced in this time with Estrella Galicia 0,0:  “In these ten years in MotoGP of Estrella Galicia 0,0 the best memory I have and that I will always keep is Valencia 2014. The first title of Estrella Galicia 0,0 as ‘main’ sponsor of Moto3 was beautiful. Not only winning and being there, but seeing the whole Rivera family celebrating the title was very exciting and amazing.  It’s a memory I’ll always cherish.”


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