There are multiple awareness,
companionship and inclusion activities carried out by the Hijos
de Rivera Volunteers every year.
Among others, activities that stand out are those carried out alongside entities dedicated to improving the well-being of people at risk of social exclusion, with disabilities or the elderly. For example, offering companionship to the elderly, beer tasting sessions with the Fundación ONCE, or the organisation of and participation in solidarity sport days with the Fundación Pablo Beiro and the Club AMFIV. It is also worth highlighting our recurring participation in the “Día Solidario de las Empresas” (Company Solidarity Day), a volunteering reference in Spain.
In order to raising environmental awareness and make a contribution, however small, to the protection and recovery of the environment, a different activity is carried out every year such as cleaning of the Galician coast, reforestation of forests, or the removal of invasive species for the conservation of biodiversity and native species, among others.
Every year the Hijos de Rivera Volunteer team carries out several campaigns to collect clothes, food and school supplies among all employees and in the different work centers of the company. Everything that is collected is donated to different social entities to meet the needs of the most disadvantaged.
We also participate in the international cooperation campaign “Una sonrisa por Navidad” (A smile for Christmas), that is launched in all the productive centres of the company and with which every year we manage to take gifts to hundreds of children in need at Christmas.
We collaborate with different third sector social entities to support the development of projects that cover basic needs and improve the well-being of disadvantaged groups in the communities in which we operate.